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We are a Christian community center and a parish of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). We hold prayer and worship services both in church and online.


We are committed to your transformation and we want you to become an extension of the kingdom of heaven on earth and we  will love to express the love of Jesus Christ to you. Our doors and hearts are open to receive you, no matter who you are. So if you've been thinking, praying, or searching for a church family to belong, then you are in the right place.  


We are excited to welcome you to Christ Church Edmonton at our weekly in person and online services.



Sunday School

Sunday School is a 40 minutes Bible teaching every Sunday morning starting at 9:15 AM. Church members can ask questions and contribute to the lesson topic.

Image by Zac Durant

Hour of Victory

Faith Clinic is a time to bring our prayer requests to God in prayer. It is scheduled for 6:30 PM every second Friday of the month.


Discovery Centre

Our Youth Church, also known as the Discovery Centre holds their service on Sundays 10 am in the Multipurpose Room upstairs.

Image by Samuel Martins

Night Vigil

Night Vigils are 3-hour programs every last Friday of the month starting at 10 PM. It includes a time of worship, prayers, and Holy Communion. 

Image by Hudson Hintze

Hour of Worship

Hour of worship (HOW) is a time dedicated to the worship and praise of the Almighty God. It holds every first Friday of the month at 6:30 PM.

Image by Evangeline Shaw

Special Programs

The church often holds special events and programs on specific themes. Details of the events will be shared as soon as they are scheduled.

Our Services

Verse of the Day

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